NEW! A Safe, Engineered, Geologic Disposal Method to Manage
Up To a 2-Year Storm Event In Karst Limestone Terrain
*A PADEP-Permitted Stormwater Management Practice
In a regulatory climate where approvals for off-site discharge of stormwater are becoming less commonplace, managing the stormwater runoff from large-sized real-estate developments in karst terrain can be accomplished safely and effectively using a hydrogeologic disposal method. The alternative is conventional infiltration BMPs, which bring considerable risk of sinkhole collapse and subsidence over karst. The hydrogeologic disposal method has already been permitted by the PA Department of Environmental Protection for use. This permitted method utilizes the vast water storage capacity, and the large permeability of karstic limestone and dolomite. Engineering controls include isolation of the overburden for safety. And the latest advancements in sensor technology allow for real-time, automated monitoring of the system performance. Off-site discharge can be reduced to low levels. Pre-treatment systems remove sediment and other pollutants to create beneficial groundwater recharge that replenishes the aquifer and maintains the water table.